Blood Moon Rising

A Horror Zelda Zine

Blood Moon Rising: A Zelda Horror Zine is an upcoming, PG13 for-charity fanzine based on the theme of horror and fear in the Zelda universe.

Mod Team

Head and Writing Mod
Pronouns: They/them
Age: 24
Bio: “Hey! I'm Oswin, and I'm the head and writing mod.
I may be slightly in love with Zelda's brand of horror. Let's get spooked!”
- Writing Mod for Legends of the Sea: One Piece Mythology Zine
- Writing Mod for What Lurks Beneath: One Piece Horror Zine
- Writing Contributor to Hyrule Apocrypha

Organization Mod
Pronouns: She/her
Age: Adult
Bio: “Hey, I'm copicdragon. I've been a Zelda fan as long as I can remember!
I've been involved with various zines over the last few years, and can't wait to see everything we create here with this one.”
- Organization Mod for Homemade in Hyrule
- Organization Mod for Hyrule Fashion Anthology
- Organization Mod for Hyrule Apocrypha

Graphics and Layout Mod
Pronouns: they/them
Age: adult
Bio: “Hi, Mouse here! I'll be your design mod.
I'm excited to be working on a zine featuring some of my favourite parts of Zelda!”
- Head, Graphics and General Mod for Hyrule Fashion Anthology
- Graphics Mod for Hyrule Apocrypha
- Contributor for Eyes of Hyrule

Social Media Mod
Pronouns: She/Her
Age: Adult
Bio: “Hi! I’m V and I have a GREAT passion about Zelda and zines.
So excited to be part of this one!”
- Co-Head, Organization and Social Media Mod for Sky is the Limit: A Tears of the Kingdom Zine
- Head and Social Media Mod for Journey of Remembrance: A BotW Link’s Zine
- Social Media Mod for Hyrule Apocrypha: A Zelda Fic Zine

Zeta Rose
Art Mod
Pronouns: They/Them
Age: Adult
Bio: “Hi! I’m Zeta, I love flowers, fluffy clouds and long walks on the beach.
Also I’m a total coward and a baby but I’ve got a fascination with spooky creepy visuals,
so here I am as this zine’s art mod!”
- Head, Art, and Organization Mod for The Eyes Of Hyrule: A Sheikah Zine
- Contributor for Homemade in Hyrule
- Contributor for Fated: A Zelink Zine

Merch Mod
Pronouns: They/Them
Age: Adult
Bio: “hiya I’m meow! Merch mod on the zine c:
I love creating stickers and charms for my favorite games!”
- Co-Head Mod of Art of Breathing: A Demon Slayer Fanzine

Finance Mod
Pronouns: She/Her
Age: Adult
Bio: “I’m a caffeine gremlin, I’m running on spite and monster,
and I can’t wait to see everything horrofied”
- Finance/Shipping Mod for Conjuring
- Finance Mod for Beyond Time
- Writing/Organising Mod for A Bridge Rebuilt

Ama Leigh
Shipping Mod
Pronouns: She/He/They
Age: 21+
Bio: “Just a simple space case with very little energy who wants to nap more.
I constantly think about my oc's and their interactions with other characters and scenarios I can thrust them into.
I constantly think of my rare pairs and platonic interactions but never write for them.”

Design Intern Mod
Pronouns: She/Her
Age: Adult
Bio: “Hi, I’m Jimmy! I’m excited to learn about design under Mouse’s wing! :)”
- Co-Head and Social Media Mod for Hyrule Fashion Anthology
- Page Artist for World Between Worlds Zine
- Page and Spot Artist for Journey of Remembrance


Interest Check openJune 1st
Interest Check closedJune 30th
Mod Apps openJuly 1st
Mod Apps closeJuly 15th
Mod Apps resultsJuly 20th
Contributor Apps openAugust 1st
Contributor Apps closeAugust 31st
Contributor Apps resultsSeptember 15th
Check-in 1October 15th
Check-in 2November 15th
Check-in 3December 15th
Final submissionsJanuary 8th
Preorders openFebruary 15th
Preorders closedMarch 15th


What is the theme of this zine?
This zine is themed around the horror and scary moments across the Legend of Zelda franchise!
Is this zine for-profit or for-charity?
This will be a for-charity zine. The selected charity will be announced at a later time!
Is this zine digital or physical?
This will be decided after the Interest Check.
Will NSFW content be allowed?
Sexual content and nudity will not be allowed in the final zine, as well as heavy, realistic depictions of gore.
This zine aims to stick as close to the canonical material in the series as possible,
so any horror content and canon typical violence that can be seen in the official games are allowed to be depicted here.
How many contributors will you accept?
Our interest check will help us determine this number.
Can I apply to more than one role?
Yes, but you may only be accepted to one.
Is shipping content allowed?
We’ll be accepting ships that appear in the canon!
Will the zine include AUs?
No, this will be a canon-compliant zine!
May I share works in-progress I've done for this zine?
Work in-progress may be shared online with the mod team’s permission,
but nothing more than 40% finished.
Sharing progress within the zine’s server is perfectly fine and encouraged!
Will I be able to post/sell my finished piece?
All contributors will be allowed to post and sell their finished pieces after leftover sales (should we go forward with a physical release).
They may also use finished pieces in their portfolios at any time, as long as the link remains private until after the zine has been released.
My question isn't here, what should I do?
You can send your questions to our Twitter, Instagram or Tumblr!